Author: Charles Frank


Charles Frank, a seasoned social worker with a decade of experience, holds a degree in psychology from Boston University. Immediately following his graduation, Charles embarked on a mission to aid individuals grappling with alcohol and drug addiction. Currently, he contributes insightful articles aimed at combating substance abuse, leveraging his expertise to offer guidance and support through this blog.

April 16, 2024

Charles Frank

Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA

It’s just as addictive as drug substances, and its use causes various physical, psychological, social, and financial problems. By working together effectively, the negative health and social consequences of alcohol can be reduced. Using alcohol during adolescence (from preteens to mid-20s) may affect brain development, making it more likely that they will be diagnosed with […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 16, 2024

Charles Frank

Xanax: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects & Warnings

If you have trouble swallowing tablets, see this article for tips on how to take this form of medication. You’ll typically take Xanax two to three times per day. However, be sure to take Xanax exactly as your doctor prescribes it. They will determine the dose and frequency that works best for you. Prescriptions may […]

Detox and Treatment

April 16, 2024

Charles Frank

Withdrawing from Benzodiazepines: Symptoms, Safety, and Treatment

The symptoms of Xanax withdrawal typically appear within 8 to 12 hours of your last dose. If you fail to taper your dose, your withdrawal symptoms will grow increasingly intense. Withdrawal is generally at its worst on the second day, and improves by the fourth or fifth day; however, acute symptoms can last significantly longer. […]

Detox and Treatment

April 16, 2024

Charles Frank

Why Can’t I Drink Alcohol Anymore Without Feeling Sick?

But often people notice as they get older in their thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, that they may not be able to do some things like they once did. But let’s start with not being able to handle alcohol as well as you once did. Now there’s a few quick things that come to mind when […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 16, 2024

Charles Frank

What is the Number One Drug Used by Teens?

All benzodiazepines calm brain activity, slow down the central nervous system (CNS), and trigger euphoria. People might think of illicit drugs such as cocaine or LSD when asked which drugs are most often used by teens. You’ll likely have many talks with your teen about drug and alcohol use. The annual rate of opioid overdose […]

Drug Addiction

April 16, 2024

Charles Frank

Withdrawal from long-term benzodiazepine use: randomised trial in family practice PMC

This patient has developed numerous concerning adverse effects, including tolerance, physiologic dependence, and withdrawal. Additionally, her use of supratherapeutic doses of alprazolam poses a safety concern. Because risks of continued use outweigh any potential benefits, tapering her down and off of the medication should be discussed. If people stop these medications suddenly, withdrawal can occur, […]

Detox and Treatment

April 16, 2024

Charles Frank

Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler says he’s “on the mend” after serious vocal injury CBS Boston

Since the 1970s the lead singer would wear small shoes and his energetic stage performances caused him to suffer foot pain in the past. Tyler had posted pictures from his vacation in Hawaii with his family, displaying his deformed and swollen toes. According to Tyler, doctors stated the pain in his feet can be corrected […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 16, 2024

Charles Frank

What is Soma, and why do people take it?

Additionally, doctors need to monitor infants who have had exposure to Soma due to the risk of sedation. This means meprobamate can accumulate in someone’s system if they take several doses over the course of a day. This increases the chance of side effects and the potential for dependency. This article looks at Soma, its […]

Drug Addiction

April 16, 2024

Charles Frank

What is Januvia used for and how does it work?

It increases your cells ability to utilize glucose (blood sugar) by improving how your insulin works and decreases liver glucose production and absorption. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved both Januvia and Tradjenta to treat high blood sugar caused by type 2 diabetes in adults, along with diet and exercise. It may be […]

Drug Addiction

April 16, 2024

Charles Frank

Whippits Drugs: 11 Facts You Need to Know About Whippits, Whippets and Whip-Its

Don’t underestimate the negative effects that whippets use can have on a person’s life. Unfortunately, despite what many people think, whippets use can have long-term effects on the health of the user. Most of these negative effects are brain-related, which should give one pause for thought before using whippets. Brain function is one of the […]

Detox and Treatment