Author: Charles Frank


Charles Frank, a seasoned social worker with a decade of experience, holds a degree in psychology from Boston University. Immediately following his graduation, Charles embarked on a mission to aid individuals grappling with alcohol and drug addiction. Currently, he contributes insightful articles aimed at combating substance abuse, leveraging his expertise to offer guidance and support through this blog.

April 12, 2024

Charles Frank

What Happens When There Is a Failed Drug Test in the Military? Tully Rinckey PLLC

Throughout much of this process, service members may not be assigned a free military defense counsel, or Judge Advocate, until it is too late. Deciding whether to conduct drug testing for candidates and employees? A failed drug test may be noted in the records of the employer that requested it, but they typically keep this […]

Drug Addiction

April 12, 2024

Charles Frank

Pink Cloud: The Euphoria of Fresh Sobriety

It’s better to get this kind of support in place before you deal with life challenges after the pink cloud phase. The euphoria of pink clouding can make you feel like you’re, well, in a cloud. And when you’re on top of the world, you might not give too much thought to ordinary life below. […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 12, 2024

Charles Frank

What Is an Intensive Outpatient Program IOP?

Successful outpatient alcohol treatment participation is contingent upon a person’s home environment being alcohol-free and further benefits from the presence of a safe support system. These types of programs are also sometimes utilized after completion of an inpatient program (i.e., step-down treatment after residential rehab) as a way of easing the transition back to an […]

Detox and Treatment

April 11, 2024

Charles Frank

What Happens to Your Body During Drug Withdrawal?

AA groups meet in many different municipalities, and the largest cities also have English-speaking groups. The Päihdelinkki online service maintained by the A-Clinic Foundation contains information on intoxicant abuse and addictions. Some of the AddictionLink services are also available in Swedish, English and Russian. Seek treatment at an A-Clinic through the intoxicant abuse services (päihdepalvelut) […]

Drug Addiction

April 11, 2024

Charles Frank

Pornography Addiction: Why Pornography Is Addictive?

A 2019 study suggests that the prevalence of these disorders may be about 3–6%. However, the rates have been difficult to determine due to a lack of formal classification. Steele, V. Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology, published online July 16, 2013. Even worse, a routine company search of his computer revealed a few of the illegal […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 11, 2024

Charles Frank

What everyone should know about roofies, aka date rape drugs

In the United States, Rohypnol is used recreationally at lower doses as a party or club drug, more often by males. Its use among adolescents has decreased significantly but not as much as GBH or ketamine have. Those who abuse Rohypnol often combine it with alcohol, usually beer, in order to produce an exaggerated high. […]

Detox and Treatment

April 11, 2024

Charles Frank

Q&A:Moderate vs heavy drinking

The broadest category is that of “distilled spirits,” which includes numerous beverages, such as gin, rum, vodka, whiskey, scotch, bourbon, and premixed cocktails. Binge drinking — that is, drinking a lot in a short amount of time, such as four (for women) or five (for men) drinks in two hours — can be just as […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 11, 2024

Charles Frank

What are the Most Abused Drugs in the US?

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, seek professional help and support. Pacific Crest Trail offers comprehensive addiction treatment programs in Oregon, providing the guidance and care needed for recovery. These treatment options aim to address the underlying causes of drug abuse, provide support during the recovery process, and improve the chances […]

Drug Addiction

April 11, 2024

Charles Frank

What are weed sun rocks?

Wireless Features and Text Message Communications Wireless carrier charges may apply to use of the Service via wireless networks or Devices. Feedback You Submit You grant us a broad license, which we may sublicense, to the content you submit which you represent you have the right to allow us to use. Service and Content Use Restrictions Your use […]

Detox and Treatment

April 11, 2024

Charles Frank

The popularity of microdosing of psychedelics: What does the science say?

Plus, there are inherent risks if you’re driving, operating machinery, parenting, and doing other activities that require alert attentiveness. With all of that in mind, here’s what some experts and research presume about the possible health benefits of microdosing — though again, this could change. Getting started with microdosing is not only legally difficult, but […]

Alcohol Abuse