Drug Addiction

March 19, 2024

Charles Frank

How Does Prolia® denosumab Work?

When compared to placebo, treatment with Prolia resulted in markedly reduced bone formation rates. However, the long-term consequences of this degree of suppression of bone remodeling are unknown. Denosumab is used to treat bone loss (osteoporosis) in people who have a high risk of getting fractures. Osteoporosis causes bones to become thinner and break more […]

Drug Addiction

March 19, 2024

Charles Frank

Home-brew heroin: soon anyone will be able to make illegal drugs

Three other groups have separately worked out the beginning, middle and end parts of the pathway needed to produce opiates from S-reticuline. So in theory we could create an opiate-producing yeast tomorrow by combining their work. In practice it is likely to take years to iron out all the wrinkles. The two most-used methods are […]

Drug Addiction

March 18, 2024

Charles Frank

Heroin: Effects, Addiction & Treatment Options

However, the right treatment center can alleviate stress and place the focus on getting better. A rehab facility that provides holistic care covering all aspects of a person’s well-being is likely the answer. Those experiencing addiction usually want to be off to themselves a lot of the time. They may simply be trying to hide certain […]

Drug Addiction

March 18, 2024

Charles Frank

Headache Relief How to Stop a Headache: Tension, Sinus & Migraine

You assume responsibility for decisions made with your individual medical situation. Until recently, avoiding migraine triggers was considered the best advice. But new research suggests this may actually increase sensitivity to potential triggers. The same lifestyle choices that promote overall good health also can reduce the number of migraines you have and lessen the migraine […]

Drug Addiction

March 18, 2024

Charles Frank

Gabapentin: Uses, Side Effects & Warnings

You should contact your care team if your seizures get worse or if you have any new types of seizures. Do not stop taking this medication or any of your seizure medications unless instructed by your care team. Stopping your medication suddenly can increase your seizures or their severity. This medication can cause multiorgan hypersensitivity. […]

Drug Addiction

March 15, 2024

Charles Frank

Furosemide: Uses, How to Take, Side Effects, Warnings

Talk with your doctor about all of your medications and health history. They can tell you if you have an increased risk for orthostatic hypotension. When you first start taking furosemide, be careful when changing positions until you become used to the drug’s effects. Your doctor will check your electrolyte levels and order other blood […]

Drug Addiction

March 15, 2024

Charles Frank

Fluoxetine: Side effects, dosage, uses, and more

With bulimia, you can have symptoms due to repeated vomiting, such as a constantly sore throat, swollen salivary glands, and acid reflux. Other possible symptoms are sensitive teeth, tooth decay, and dehydration. You may also have other symptoms, such as mood changes, anxiety, or depression. Prozac is prescribed for adults as well as children ages […]

Drug Addiction

March 15, 2024

Charles Frank

Finasteride: MedlinePlus Drug Information

Women who are pregnant or may get pregnant must not handle broken or crushed finasteride tablets. If a pregnant woman comes into contact with broken or crushed tablets she should check with her care team. Exposure to whole tablets is not expected to cause harm as long as they are not swallowed. Since this drug […]

Drug Addiction

March 14, 2024

Charles Frank

FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA review finds long-term treatment with blood-thinning medicine Plavix clopidogrel does not change risk of death

In order to metabolize Plavix, your body uses an enzyme (type of protein) called CYP2C19 that’s found in your liver. If you’re missing this enzyme, you may not be able to metabolize Plavix. If you’re pregnant or may become pregnant, talk with your doctor about the benefits and potential risks of using Plavix during pregnancy. […]

Drug Addiction

March 14, 2024

Charles Frank

Fatal fix: How an opioid overdose shuts down your body

Seek support for any instances of a substance use disorder. With the right care and prevention strategies, it is possible to treat drug overdoses or prevent them altogether. Although many drug overdoses involve the use of illegal drugs, it is also possible to overdose on prescription medication. Many doctors prescribe opioid medications for pain management. […]

Drug Addiction