Author: Charles Frank

How To Stop Taking Klonopin

how to taper off 0.5 mg clonazepam

But I still have faith that things will get better..Hope you are doing well dear friend. The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. If you are interested in stopping or reducing your Klonopin intake, then the best place to start is with your primary care doctor. If you don’t have a primary care doctor, but you do have health insurance, check your insurance company’s website for a list of providers. The long-term success of Klonopin withdrawal depends on a successful taper.

how to taper off 0.5 mg clonazepam

When it needs to be done, slowly tapering your dose, as opposed to stopping cold turkey, is highly recommended to prevent withdrawal symptoms. Be sure to speak with your doctor regarding a tapering regimen that works for your specific medical situation. It is important to be aware of the potential withdrawal reactions and perhaps taper more slowly if they are particularly difficult. Most commonly it depends on the length of time you have been taking the medication, the dose you are on and the withdrawal symptoms you are experiencing. I do recommend asking your doctor for advice on how to taper off as well as they probably have a good amount of experience regarding the matter. This is because, after several weeks, most people develop a physical dependence.

Just recently I got my doctor to help me make a plan to get off because it no longer worked for my anxiety. She helped me make a plan to taper by 0.125mg every two weeks. My tablets come in 0.5mg so I take away 1/4 of a tablet every 2 weeks. It is easy because my tablets are scored so they’re easy to break into quarter tablets. I take my Klonopin divided into three doses a day.

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But I have to say it did help me years ago. I’m so glad I haven’t had the terrible withdrawals so many people have had. Given the dosage and amount of time you took the clonazepam a tapering is probably warranted – just to be on the safe side. I think Pic25’s tapering schedule makes a great deal of sense.

how to taper off 0.5 mg clonazepam

Without therapy, people struggling with addiction may be more prone to relapse. According to experts at the World Health Organization (WHO), acute symptoms typically continue, on and off, for two to eight weeks. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict exactly how Klonopin withdrawal will affect you. Even if you’ve gone through it before, your next time could be completely different. Complete your request online or contact us by phone.

How Soon Do Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Symptoms Occur?

Among people using benzodiazepines for more than six months, about 40% will experience moderate-to-severe withdrawal symptoms. The other 60% will still have symptoms, but they will be milder. Klonopin is a long-acting benzodiazepine whose half-life is about 18 to 50 hours. Therefore, it can take a while for the signs and symptoms of withdrawal to begin. And Klonopin withdrawal symptoms can start anywhere from two to seven days after your last dose. In terms of an actual taper, one source recommends to consider reducing the dose rather than extending the dosing interval.

@elwooodsdad- Have you talked to your doctor about switching up medicines? Welbutrin took me from the edge to enjoying life, most of the time. You are very welcome.Im here for you.May blessings be showered upon you.We will get there(free from benzodiazepine hell)! Please message me any time,and I will there be there for you. I would really appreciate if anyone could guide me about the ideal way to stop taking this drug safely. If you are struggling with psychological or addiction issues, therapy is a primary component of long-term healing.

  1. According to experts at the World Health Organization (WHO), acute symptoms typically continue, on and off, for two to eight weeks.
  2. I would really appreciate if anyone could guide me about the ideal way to stop taking this drug safely.
  3. The long-term success of Klonopin withdrawal depends on a successful taper.
  4. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products.

Read ahead to learn about Klonopin withdrawal symptoms, why Klonopin withdrawal occurs, and treatment options for Klonopin withdrawal. I too hope I get back to being the happy person I used to be. I went through a lot during last year which build up this anxiety. I use to be a strong person but this time I got overwhelmed with the pain and atrocities inflicted on professional level.

Weaning Yourself Off Clonazepam

Clonazepam, often prescribed under the name klonopin, is a medication usually prescribed to treat conditions like seizures, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and panic disorder. Since clonazepam can help you feel relaxed and euphoric, it’s possible to become addicted. Withdrawing from clonazepam can be difficult because you can experience withdrawal symptoms. You should never stop clonazepam cold turkey. To withdraw from clonazepam, you will need to slowly taper off the drug, taking precautions to deal with possible withdrawal symptoms. @kittymama I was on 2mg Klonopin for many, many years.

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The research suggests that generally speaking, slower tapers are more successful. If you are doing a slow taper, your doctor will only reduce your dose every two or three weeks, and the reductions will be small. People taking high doses of benzos may start with a quicker taper and slow down once a lower dose has been achieved. Having mentioned withdrawal symptoms a few times, I want to quickly go over what they could be and risk factors for them. I’be been on clonazepam for over 25 years and have no interest in not taking it. I took 0.5mg for 1st three days and reduced the dosage to half for the next 3 days.

I am a non-drinker so that’s not an issue but I will definitely check with my Dr. about drug interactions as I am on other medications as well. But this just started when I was about half way through my taper. Klonopin, a member of a family of drugs called benzodiazepines, is commonly prescribed for treating anxiety and insomnia. Withdrawal from Klonopin typically includes a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, such as anxiety and irritability. In some cases, symptoms can include life-threatening seizures. The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment.

How To Taper Klonopin (Clonazepam)

Some studies suggest that withdrawal is more successful when done with psychotherapy (talk therapy). Other studies show that the results are about the same. If your Klonopin dosage is slowly tapered off, your symptoms are much more likely to be mild. When it comes to deciding how much to lower each dose by, recommendations vary. One study recommends to decrease your dose by 10-25% every week or two and adjust based on tolerability.

The most important thing is try the taper and then adjust based on your symptoms. I do recommend getting your doctors advice as well as they may have recommendations for you and could monitor possible side effects. @kittymama I have been reading about taking magnesium and zinc too.