Author: Charles Frank

Sober Living: What to Expect at a Sober Living Home

sober living for couples

Drug abuse affects relationships in ways that make it hard to go back to the way things were before it started. The risk of relapse is always there even after undergoing rehab, and some emotional injuries cannot be taken back. In addition, the partners might have developed relationship habits that need to be reversed, such as facilitating substance use or becoming codependent on the other person’s substance abuse.

sober living for couples

Changing “faces and places” is more than sage advice heard in 12-step groups. Anyone in recovery, 12-stepper or not, will tell you that if you don’t change who you hang out with and where, you’re destined to fail. Addiction Resource is an educational platform for sharing and disseminating information about addiction and substance abuse recovery centers. Addiction Resource is not a healthcare provider, nor does it claim to offer sound medical advice to anyone. Addiction Resource does not favor or support any specific recovery center, nor do we claim to ensure the quality, validity, or effectiveness of any particular treatment center.

What To Expect In A Sober Living Home That Allows Couples

Our unique couples addiction treatment program and suggested consequent sober living homes can help you both. La Jolla Recovery couples rehab in San Diego extends sobriety afterward with recommended sober housing that offers gender-specific groups and therapy. Specific issues can be treated individually with the comfort of knowing your partner is safe and attended to. Growing in sobriety can now be possible as a couple, whether husband and wife or significant other. Couples are often called partners in crime, and addictions are one of the things they may share.

sober living for couples

A sober living home provides continued structure and support to couples which will help make the process of reintegration a lot smoother. A tailored aftercare plan paired with a relapse prevention plan can help you stay away from triggers. Paired with relapse prevention strategies, sober living programs can help you maintain long-term sobriety. Our representatives work solely for AAC and will discuss whether an AAC facility may be an option for you.

Even after a couple completes an intensive addiction treatment program, it is not uncommon for them to feel unprepared for re-entering society newly sober. Fortunately, for couples who would like to slowly transition back into their community there is the option of a sober living home. They can move into the sober living facility and use it as a transition to help them re-acclimate to everyday life at a slower speed. Sober living programs offer extended support to people recovering from drug or alcohol addiction. Most program participants are in the process of transitioning from intensive substance abuse treatment to independent living. It includes a better understanding of what each other’s triggers are and making efforts to avoid them.

No one should assume the information provided on Addiction Resource as authoritative and should always defer to the advice and care provided by a medical doctor. As with other forms of behavioral therapy, behavioral couples therapy focuses on identifying and addressing the roots of harmful behaviors. For couples, behavioral therapy may include implementing a “recovery contract.” The goal is to make both parties accountable to one another and promote mutual support. Overall, sober living homes are less restrictive and help you transition to independence. Sober living programs also offer longer stays than inpatient treatment facilities. Residential treatment programs are much more structured and intensive than those in sober living houses.

What are the Benefits of Sober Living Homes?

Usually, therapy programs begin with the partners going through detox separately, after which they start counseling together. Some forms of inpatient couples drug rehab allow a couple to sleep in the same room, while others require separate rooms. Therapy can also occur in an outpatient setting or with one partner as an outpatient and the other as a resident.

  1. Perhaps something said by one partner was misunderstood by the other, or maybe a partner didn’t do the dishes or load the dishwasher.
  2. Drug and alcohol addiction affects 23.5 million Americans today, which is why some facilities have started to offer drug rehab for couples.
  3. Rehab for couples is an excellent alternative to help treat addictions and codependence.
  4. Addiction Resource is not a healthcare provider, nor does it claim to offer sound medical advice to anyone.
  5. Asana Recovery is a renowned medical facility that provides couples addiction therapy, among others, to partners struggling with substance addiction.

The dangers of drug addiction in a family are tumultuous, ranging from behavioral to psychological. The heightened feeling experienced while using drugs as a couple can be detrimental to both health and association with each other. At this point, misdemeanors can result as well as inflicting harm on each other.

How Do Sober Living Houses Work?

Couples therapy with individual attention will restore purpose and sustained connection after sobriety. The BCT program is ideal for couples drug rehab and is designed to help individuals struggling with addiction modify their lifestyle and attitude towards substance abuse. The meetings with a qualified therapist may hold a number of times weekly to discuss goals and to develop new coping skills for the couple. A large number of factors contribute to the drive to abuse a drug or to drink too much.

NIMBY, or “Not in my backyard,” afflicts many property owners in neighborhoods where some sober living homes are located. For couples who live with one another, having their sobriety as secure as possible is critical. Just as you would buy insurance on a new BMW to protect your investment, sober living helps to insure you and your partner have been given all the tools necessary to stay sober. A sober living home also offers the dynamic of being around other sober people. Most couples who enter rehab together have developed a network of friends who also likely use.

Understanding one’s thoughts about the rehab process is a key to successful addiction treatment and recovery. What stops most people from pursuing this option is the doubt in their ability to overcome addiction and being unable to imagine life without one’s substance of choice. After the detox stage, people find they have a lot of free time on their hands. Having a supportive partner can go a long way toward coping in this stage of recovery. If both partners are suffering from addiction, they need to motivate each other to do things that promote sobriety in this period of time instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of the situation. The strength and love partners can offer one another in the process of recovery can be essential.

Discovery Point Retreat is in-network with many insurance providers, which makes treatment more affordable. This allows residents to function as normal adults while preventing them from falling back into old patterns.

These new behaviors take time to learn, but they can improve a relationship and give the partners ways to maintain a strong bond by supporting each other to maintain sobriety. While a couple is living in a sober living facility they can expect less supervision than in a residential or inpatient addiction treatment center, but there will still be some rules to follow. Many times, it is expected of clients who are staying at a halfway house to have a job, pay rent, and pay for other living expenses.

On top of that, couples will be expected to complete chores and help with maintaining the home. This is to mimic what life will be like when the couple returns to their everyday life. Completing these tasks while living in a halfway house is creating a transitional learning experience. Partners who have a strong relationship and are equally committed to eliminating drugs from their lives can expect excellent outcomes. The most important element of having partners in therapy together is motivation.