Author: Charles Frank

Social media made buying drugs about as easy as ordering pizza

how to get drugs

In 2021, at least 1,881 Coloradans died of a drug overdose and roughly half of those people died of fentanyl, according to state data. Many of those people are taking fentanyl without realizing it, as the cheap synthetic opioid is cut into other drugs like cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. Moms like Amy Neville say they’ll continue to call for change at the federal level to hold social media companies accountable. Region, there’s concern about how and why young children are doing drugs at school.

If you suspect that your teen is struggling with substance abuse, call us today. While some teens buy, sell, and trade drugs through secret social media groups, others obtain pills from fake pharmacies that offer painkillers, sedatives, anti-anxiety medications, and other addictive substances. These online pharmacies delivery medications through the mail without a prescription. Most of these online pharmacies are not based in the United States and do not have precautions in place to prevent teens from purchasing drugs. Experimentation with drugs often starts with prescription pills from the family’s medicine cabinet. ADHD medications, such as Ritalin or Concerta, anxiety drugs like Xanax, sleeping pills, or opioid pain medications are often used to achieve a high.

“That 17 and under age group needs protection, especially when it comes to Snapchat,” she said. “We need to be able to see what our kids are talking about. There’s no reason why as a parent, I can’t have access to that.” That’s why Feinberg says he is working behind the scenes with lawmakers to show them first-hand how to find dealers on these apps.

Today’s teens have access to dealers with a simple click via social media and the online drug trade. It is important to remember that not all substance abuse happens with illegally-obtained drugs. In fact, teens often seek out highs from items that are cheap, easy, and legal to obtain. Nearly 10% of high school students report getting high on cough or cold medication, which can easily be purchased over the counter or online. For instance, a quick search of the term oxycodone on Facebook reveals photos of pills and profiles of fake pharmacies offering opioid painkillers, sleeping pills, sedatives and other drugs for sale through the mail without a prescription. Teens are also buying drugs through popular apps, including Snapchat and Instagram, according to media reports.

how to get drugs

“However, we strongly disagree with how our brand is categorized here and we have been in contact with Attorney General Weiser’s office to refute the inaccurate claims in this report,” Whaling said. She said their platforms are “very inefficient” for drug sales since they are designed for one-on-one interactions and that the company has made proactive efforts to ban accounts that mention drugs. With a renewed focus on Fentanyl-related deaths among young people, we are now seeing the drug epidemic move to social media and many parents have no clue it’s happening.

Online pharmacies

Long gone are the days when the only source of drugs was a shady-looking character on a street corner. Social media and the internet have spurred a new generation of digital dealers who are little more than a click away. The Department of Law worked with representatives from Meta, Snapchat and TikTok to compile the report, as well as law enforcement, public health experts and harm reduction advocates. A search for “Denver” and “Boulder” on the Kik messaging app returned dozens of results for groups dedicated to selling and buying drugs that were open to the public, the report showed.

how to get drugs

Like adults, teens can also access prescriptions by visiting a physician or by rifling through the cabinets of a grandparent, friend or neighbor. Dealers advertise drugs using slang, emojis, QR codes and disappearing messages that help reach customers while evading content moderation tools on the social media platforms, the report said. Often drug sellers are active on multiple social media platforms — advertising their products on Instagram, but listing their WhatApps or Snapchat handles for inquiries — which makes it harder for law enforcement to crack down on the sales. Nearly as convenient as calling an Uber or ordering a pizza, the Colorado Attorney General’s Office said in a report released Wednesday. Parents testified this week at a House hearing on Capitol Hill, calling for tech companies to do more to fight the opioid crisis in this country.

Drinking alcohol, smoking or using tobacco, taking illegal drugs, even sniffing glue all damage the human body. The best steps a parent can take to protect their teen children from drug and alcohol abuse include talking to them about the dangers of addiction and monitoring their activities — both online and off. A month later, two students at Central High School in Fort Pierce, Florida, were arrested and charged with allegedly attempting to sell prescription drugs, including oxycodone and a fentanyl patch, to their classmates. Other examples of substances teens can purchase or legally obtain that have been abused include diet pills, allergy medications, diuretics, herbs, laxatives, and even morning glory seeds.

How Do Drugs Work?

Some teens may start using these medications with a doctor’s prescription and begin abusing them after they have developed a tolerance or dependence on these medications, while other teens may steal them from other members of the family. Many teens who use alcohol, cigarettes, or vape pens also obtain these from home. There is no doubt that teens today have near-unlimited access to the Internet. Unfortunately, with that comes access to drugs in a way that is often undetectable to even the most observant families. Teens no longer have to risk arrest when buying drugs from a shady dealer on a street corner.

Unfortunately, even if you are responsible and lock up drugs and alcohol in your home, your teen may still obtain these substances at school. “Study drug” abuse is a common trend in many high school and college campuses. Students might even pool their money to buy marijuana and hard drugs from another teen on campus who has access to illicit drugs. As a parent, knowing that your teen still has access to drugs despite your best efforts can be concerning. However, the best thing you can do is to keep talking with kids about the dangers of drugs. In addition, educate yourself on the slang terms for drugs and be aware of your teen’s internet use and where they are spending their money.

  1. However, the best thing you can do is to keep talking with kids about the dangers of drugs.
  2. In 2021, at least 1,881 Coloradans died of a drug overdose and roughly half of those people died of fentanyl, according to state data.
  3. FOX 5’s Sierra Fox reports from Arlington after speaking with a parent who is experiencing this first-hand.
  4. There is no doubt that teens today have near-unlimited access to the Internet.
  5. It’s important to make note of how many pills and refills are remaining and safely dispose of any unused or expired medications.

In fact, 32% of 10th graders and 37% of 12th graders are vaping, with nearly 15% vaping with marijuana or hash oil, marking a sharp increase in teen nicotine use over previous years. Nearly 6% of 12th graders are using marijuana daily and 36% have used it over the past year. Additionally, 13% of high school seniors are engaging in binge drinking, 5% are misusing sedatives, nearly 5% are abusing ADHD stimulant medications, and 3.4% are abusing opioids.

FOX 5’s Sierra Fox reports from Arlington after speaking with a parent who is experiencing this first-hand. “They might be sharing in their Snapchat or TikTok or whatever they’re posting that they’re suffering from anxiety or things going on in their life and again groups or accounts troll on this and then go after them,” Feinberg explained. “Before you know it, they’re leading them down the path to these illegal drugs.” Eric Feinberg, vice president of Coalition for a Safer Web, created a fake Instagram account in 2018 to exchange messages directly with drug dealers. But an expert told FOX 5 that simple emojis and keywords are linking kids directly to drug dealers on platforms like Snapchat and Instagram.

With the rise of overdoses involving children, lawsuits are now being filed against social media companies for putting children in danger. The online drug trade is also flourishing on the dark web, a hidden network of websites that aren’t indexed by normal search engines and are only accessible only through special web browsers such as Tor. In January 2016, alone, drug revenues in cryptomarkets totaled between $12 million and $21.1 million, according to an analysis by RAND Europe. That’s how Jason Surks, a 19-year-old sophomore at Rutgers, University was able to feed his Xanax addiction, according to his mother, Linda.

Sunshine Behavioral Health Facilities

The two main types are behavioral (helping a person change behaviors) and pharmacological (treating a person by using medicine). While the Food and Drug Administration and U.S. law enforcement agencies have made a concerted effort to crack down on the global network of rogue online pharmacies over the past decade, they’ve barely made a dent. It’s like a game of whack-a-mole with new pharmacies popping up as soon as others are shut down.

Rotting bodies, fake ashes and sold body parts push Colorado to patch lax funeral home rules

Abuse of over-the-counter medicines, such as cough syrup, is also on the rise. Drugs, as most teens will tell you, are more readily available today than ever before. From friends and family to Facebook and Snapchat, here’s an eye-opening look at some of the common ways teens are accessing drugs and alcohol. Although substances can feel good at first, they can do a lot of harm to the body and brain.

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A recent study found the rate of overdose deaths among U.S. teens nearly doubled in 2020 and rose another 20% in the first half of 2021. “As parents, we had tools, we had resources. We were taking action,” Neville said. “Again, we did not know about Fentanyl. And we did not know about the depth of harms on social media.” It can be hard to overcome drug addiction without professional help and treatment.